
Showing posts from May, 2020

An Introduction to Flex Layout and Angular Material

Flex Layout What  - Flex Layout was announced by the Angular team as a UI layout library that is based on styling and written in pure TypeScript. Originating from CSS Flexbox, it allows users to create responsive page layouts without the use of classes and styling files like css or scss.  When  - Flex Layout requires Angular version 4.1^ and works best when paired with Angular Material but it can also be independent. It is mainly a solution for applications that require heavy responsive behaviors, especially desktop and mobile friendly applications as it allows the developer to anticipate the user's screen size by setting breakpoints in which to make the responsive transition. Flex Layout Installation Setting up Flex Layout for Angular is as easy as using it. Lets get started! Install  - type the following command in your project's command line. npm install @angular/flex-layout --save Import  - import FlexLayoutModule  into your app module. Flex Layout Bas